Reverse inscription |
ΔΙΟΝΥϹΙΑ ΠΥΘΙΑ ΝΙΚΑΙΕΩΝ, ΟΥΑΛΕ (on edge of table), ΓΑΛΛΗΝ (on legs), ΠΥΘ, ϹΕΟ, ΑΥΓ (on crowns) |
Edition |
Διονύσια Πύθια Νικαιέων Οὐαλε(ριανὰ) Γαλλην(ὰ) Πύθ(ια) Σεο(υήρεια) Αὐγ(ούστεια)
Translation |
Dionysia Pythia of the Nicaeans, Valeriana, Galliena, Pythia, Severeia, Augousteia |
Reverse design |
agonistic table with two inscribed legs, on which three prize crowns; from the centre one emerge two palms, from the others each one palm |