Search results: 830 entries found.

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I 5081
Alexandria  Egypt Egypt
Æ (10 mm) LΔ = year 4 (AD 17/18)
?; ?
L Δ (?)
I 1305
Aegina  Aegina Achaea
Æ (17 mm) AD 15–35
ϹΑΒ[?ΕΙΝΟϹ ΑΙΓΕΙΝ]ΗΤΩΝ; bare head (of Poppaeus Sabinus?), right
ΑΙΑΚΟϹ; dead man (holding something in hand) standing before Aeacus, who is seated right: between them an object; to right, two figures (one female, one male)
APT 162 3
I 1635
Tiberius Augustus (Divus)
Amphipolis  Macedonia Macedonia
Leaded bronze (21 mm) 8.01 g. Divus Augustus (? or Tiberius?)
ΘΕΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ; bare head of Augustus (?), right
ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ; Artemis Tauropolos on bull, right
AMNG 72, BMC 74 21
I 1635A
Tiberius Augustus (Divus)
Amphipolis  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (21 mm) 7.26 g. Divus Augustus (? or Tiberius?)
ΘΕΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ; bare head of Augustus (?), right
ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΙΤωΝ; Artemis Tauropolos on bull, right
I 986
Cnossus  Crete Cyrenaica and Crete
Æ (28 mm) 11.95 g.
MAXIMO IIVIR DIVOS AVG; bare head of Augustus, left
FVSCO IIVIR IVLIA AVGVS, D D (in field); Livia seated, right
APT 49 6
I 1779
Tiberius Augustus (Divus)
Byzantium  Thrace Thrace
AR 6.29 g. Reign of Tiberius (20s AD?)
ΘΕΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ; bare head of Augustus, left
ΘΕΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΑ, ΒΥΖ; draped bust of Livia, right
Sch 1306 1
I 3051
Tiberius Augustus Hieratikos; Tryphon
Tripolis  Lydia Asia (conventus of Sardis)
Æ (20 mm) 6.09 g.
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ; bare head of Augustus?, right; to left, maeander pattern
ΤΡΥΦΩΝ ΙΕΡΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΤΡΙΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ; Zeus, standing left, holding eagle
BMC 52, AMC 1367 10
I 865
Tiberius Drusus Caesar
Tingi  Africa Mauretania
Æ (25 mm) 13.33 g. AD 23–9
DRVSVS; bare head of Drusus Caesar, left
NERO IVL TIN; bare head of Nero Caesar, right
Maz 625–6, Amandry VII, Alexandropoulos 158 9
I 1149
Corinth  Corinthia Achaea
Æ (21 mm) 7.33 g. AD 21–2
P CANINIO AGRIPPA IIVIR QVINQ; bare head of Drusus Minor (?), right
L CASTRICIO REGVLO IIVIR QVINQ COR; Livia veiled, seated, right, holding patera and sceptre
BMC 523–4, Amandry XV I, pp. 165–7 19
I 1150
Corinth  Corinthia Achaea
Æ (21 mm) 6.48 g. AD 21–2
L CASTRICIO REGVLO IIVIR QVINQ; bare head of Drusus Minor (?), right or left
P CANINIO AGRIPPA IIVIR QVINQ COR; Livia veiled, seated, right, holding patera, or seated, left, holding ears of corn and sceptre
Amandry XV II, pp. 167–8 21
I 3921
Æ (18 mm) 4.60 g. AD 22/3
DRVSVS CAESAR; bare head of Drusus Minor, right
Zeus Salaminios, left; temple of Paphian Aphrodite, right
CTC 11 and 13, Amandry 3a (Paphos?), Parks 10a 9
I 3922
Æ (18 mm) 4.59 g. AD 22/3
DRVSVS CAESAR; bare head of Drusus Minor, right
Zeus Salaminios, left; temple of Paphian Aphrodite, right
CTC 12, Amandry 3b (Salamis?), Parks 10a 5
I 3923
Æ (15 mm) 3.09 g. AD 22/3
DRVSVS CAESAR; bare head of Drusus Minor, right
Zeus Salaminios standing to front, head left, holding patera and short sceptre, eagle on left wrist
CTC 9, Amandry 4a (Paphos?), Parks 10c 7
I 3924
Æ (15 mm) 3.06 g. AD 22/3
DRVSVS CAESAR; bare head of Drusus Minor, right
temple of Paphian Aphrodite, with conical xoanon and semicircular courtyard
CTC 10, Amandry 4a (Paphos?), Parks 10b 12
I 3925
Æ (17 mm) 4.33 g. AD 22/3
DRVSVS CAESAR; bare head of Drusus Minor, right
Zeus Salaminios standing to front, head left, holding patera and short sceptre, eagle on left wrist
CTC 9, Amandry 4b (Salamis?) 1
I 3926
Æ (15 mm) 3.11 g. AD 22/3
DRVSVS CAESAR; bare head of Drusus Minor, right
temple of Paphian Aphrodite, with conical xoanon and semicircular courtyard
CTC 10, Amandry 4b (Salamis?) 3
I 764
Paterna  Africa Africa Proconsularis
Leaded bronze (24 mm) 7.60 g. AD 21
DRVSO CAESARI; bare head of Drusus, left
PERMISSV L APRONI PROCOS III; bust of Mercury, left
Mu 333, APT 26, Alexandropoulos 99 8
I 767
Paterna  Africa Africa Proconsularis
Æ (22 mm) 7.40 g. AD 21
DRVSO CAESARI; bare head of Drusus, left
PER[ ]BLAESI PROCOS; bust of Mercury, left
APT 28 corr., Alexandropoulos 99 2
I 770
Paterna  Africa Africa Proconsularis
Æ (24 mm) 8.36 g. AD 23
DRVSO CAESARI; bare head of Drusus, left
PER P DOLABELLAE PROCOS C P G CAS; bust of Mercury, left
Mu 340, APT 31, Alexandropoulos 99 7
I 71
Italica  Hispania Baetica
Bronze (23 mm) 6.15 g.
DRVSVS CAESAR TI AVG F; bare head of Drusus, right
MVNIC ITALIC, PER AVG (below); aquila and vexillum between two signa
Vives 168–12, Chaves 294–310, NAH 1115, GMI 1052–3 70