RPC I, 5081



Coin type
Volume I
Number 5081
Province Egypt
Region Egypt
City Alexandria
Reign Tiberius
Issue LΔ = year 4
Dating AD 17/18
Obverse inscription ?
Obverse design ?
Reverse inscription L Δ (?)
Edition (ἔτους) δʹ
Translation of year 4
Reverse design
Metal copper-based alloy
Specimens 0 (0 in the core collections)
Note Dem 585 (not located in A) records a coin with an anepigraphic obv./head of goat LΔ, and attributed it to Tiberius.A similar, poorly preserved (no date legible), coin in London (BMC 2711, 10mm, 0.89g) has been attributed to Nero byChristiansen, who identified the rev. as the head of an elephant. All may, in fact be coins of Claudius (5160).

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography