Search results: 533 entries found.

I 1952
Claudius Nero (Caesar)
Æ (35 mm) 25.89 g.
NERONI CLAVDIO DRVSO GERMANICO COS DESIG; bare-headed draped bust of Nero, right
EQVESTER ORDO PRINCIPI IVVENT; in four lines on shield
von Kaenel, Thrakien, Nero Typus A 16
I 1953
Æ (35 mm) 26.07 g.
TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG F BRITANNICVS; bare-headed draped bust of Britannicus, left
S C; Mars advancing left, holding spear and shield
von Kaenel, Thrakien, Britannicus Typus B 14
I 1954
Æ (35 mm) 25.93 g.
TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG F BRITANNICVS; bare-headed draped bust of Britannicus, right
S C; Mars advancing left, holding spear and shield
von Kaenel, Thrakien, Britannicus Typus A 9
I 1955
Claudius Agrippina II
Æ (30 mm) 15.85 g.
AGRIPPINA AVG GERMANICI F CAESARIS AVG; draped bust of Agrippina II, left
Ceres seated left, holding ears of corn and long torch
von Kaenel, Thrakien, Agrippina Minor Typus B 5
I 1956
Claudius Nero (Caesar)
Æ (30 mm) 16.71 g.
NERO CLAVD CAES DRVS GERM PRINC IVVENT; bare-headed draped bust of Nero, left
SACERD COOPT IN OMN CONL SVPRA NVM EX S C; simpulum, lituus over tripod and patera
von Kaenel, Thrakien, Nero Typus B 7
I 1957
Claudius Claudius (Augustus)
Æ (35 mm) 25.73 g.
TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P; laureate head of Claudius, right
EX S C P P OB CIVES SERVATOS; in four lines in oak wreath
Amandry, BSNAF 2012 (2018), pp. 89–92 23
I 1958
Claudius Claudius (Augustus)
Æ (35 mm) 26.34 g.
TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P; laureate head of Claudius, right
SPES AVGVSTA S C; Spes advancing left, extending right hand and holding dress with left hand
Amandry, BSNAF 2012 (2018), pp. 89–92 14
I 1959
Claudius Claudius (Augustus)
Æ (30 mm) 12.38 g.
TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P; bare head of Claudius, left
CERES AVGVSTA S C; Ceres seated left, holding corn-ears and torch
Amandry, BSNAF 2012 (2018), pp. 89–92 9
I 1960
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Æ (33 mm) 27.04 g.
NERO CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR P IMP P P; laureate head of Nero, right
DECVRSIO S C; Nero on horseback, holding spear, right, followed by a soldier on horseback holding vexillum
Amandry, BSNAF 2012 (2018), pp. 89–92 2
I 1961
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Æ (33 mm) 23.99 g.
NERO CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR P IMP P P; laureate head of Nero, right
DECVRSIO S C; Nero on horseback, right, holding spear; behind, soldier advancing right; before, soldier advancing right
I 2201
Cistophoric mint  Uncertain Asia
Cistophorus 11.52 g. Ephesus? (c. 39 BC)
M·ANTONIVS·IMP·COS·DESIG·ITER·ET·TERT; head of Antony wearing ivy wreath, right; below, lituus; all enclosed in wreath of ivy leaves and flowers
III·VIR·R·P·C; draped bust of Octavia, right, above cista flanked by twisting serpents
BMCRR East 134, Walker, Metrology I, 341–9 22
I 2202
Cistophoric mint  Uncertain Asia
Cistophorus 11.93 g. Ephesus? (c. 39 BC)
M·ANTONIVS·IMP·COS·DESIG·ITER·ET·TERT; head of Antony and bust of Octavia, jugate, right
III·VIR·R·P·C; Bacchus standing, left, on cista between twisting serpents
BMCRR East 136 23
I 2203
Augustus Augustus
Cistophoric mint  Uncertain Asia
Cistophorus 11.45 g. Sutherland group I (Ephesus) (28 BC)
IMP·CAESAR·DIVI·F·COS·VI·LIBERTATIS·P·R·VINDEX; laureate head of Augustus, right
PAX; Pax standing, left, on parazonium (?), holding caduceus; to right, serpent emerging from cista; all in laurel wreath
Sutherland group I, RIC 476 13
I 2204
Augustus Augustus
Cistophoric mint  Uncertain Asia
Cistophorus 11.94 g. Sutherland group II (uncertain mint) ('soon after 27 BC')
IMP·CAESAR; bare head of Augustus, right
AVGVSTVS; sphinx seated, right
Sutherland group II, RIC 527 9
I 2205
Augustus Augustus
Cistophoric mint  Uncertain Asia
Cistophorus 11.48 g. Sutherland group III–IV (Pergamum?) (27/26 BC)
IMP·CAESAR; bare head of Augustus, left; before, lituus
AVGVSTVS; capricorn, right, with cornucopia; all in laurel wreath
Sutherland group IIIβ, nos 83–6, RIC 489 6
I 2206
Augustus Augustus
Cistophoric mint  Uncertain Asia
Cistophorus 11.55 g. Sutherland group III–IV (Pergamum?) (27/26 BC)
IMP·CAESAR; bare head of Augustus, left; before, lituus
AVGVSTVS; bunch of six ears of corn
Sutherland group IIIγ, nos 99–105, RIC 491 7
I 2207
Augustus Augustus
Cistophoric mint  Uncertain Asia
Cistophorus 12.09 g. Sutherland group III–IV (Pergamum?) (27/26 BC)
IMP·CAESAR; bare head of Augustus, right; before, lituus
AVGVSTVS; sphinx seated, right
Sutherland group IIIα, RIC 487 8
I 2208
Augustus Augustus
Cistophoric mint  Uncertain Asia
Cistophorus 11.99 g. Sutherland group III–IV (Pergamum?) (27/26 BC)
IMP·CAESAR; bare head of Augustus, right; before, lituus
AVGVSTVS; capricorn, right, with cornucopia; all in laurel wreath
Sutherland group IIIβ, nos 87–98a, RIC 488 15
I 2209
Augustus Augustus
Cistophoric mint  Uncertain Asia
Cistophorus 11.19 g. Sutherland group III–IV (Pergamum?) (27/26 BC)
IMP·CAESAR; bare head of Augustus, right; before, lituus
AVGVSTVS; bunch of six ears of corn
Sutherland group IIIγ, nos 106–15, RIC 490 15
I 2210
Augustus Augustus
Cistophoric mint  Uncertain Asia
Cistophorus 11.82 g. Sutherland group III–IV (Pergamum?) (27/26 BC)
IMP·CAESAR; bare head of Augustus, right
AVGVSTVS; sphinx seated, right
Sutherland group IVα, RIC 492 11