Image of specimen #5


Coin type
Volume III
Number 26
Province Cyrenaica and Crete
Region Crete
City Koinon of Crete
Reign Trajan
Person (obv.) Trajan (Augustus)
Dating c. 115 (?)
Edition Αὐτοκράτωρ Αὔγ(ουστος) Τραϊανὸς Γερ(μανικὸς) Δακι(κός)
Translation Emperor Augustus Trajan Germanicus Dacicus
Obverse design laureate bust of Trajan, with paludamentum on left shoulder, viewed from front, left
Reverse inscription ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΚΡΗΤωΝ
Edition Κοινόν Κρητῶν
Translation Koinon of the Cretans
Reverse design Zeus draped, seated left, holding Nike in extended right hand, his left resting on sceptre; at his feet, eagle to left, looking back
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 31 mm
Average weight 13.88 g
Axis 6
Reference Sv 75
Specimens 9 (6 in the core collections)
Note A specimen in P (P 86 = RN 1883, 61/1 = Wa 4796 = SNG 2328) has been altered into an otherwise unique coin of Trajan from Savatra (Lycaonia), where it is housed: see introduction to the province of Galatia-Cappadocia.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     O: Cameron 1948
2 2     G SNG 350
3 3     P: 677
4 4     P: 678
5 5     ✸ Amsterdam: SC-02551
6 6     A: 1904-1905 H’3
7 7     V: GR 14473 (T 200) Sv pl. XXXIV, 13: rev.
8 8     Milan: Brera 2326 Nicodemi 2741
9 9     NY: 1944.100.40893