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4-7 were found at Üskübü, the ancient site of Prusias ad Hypium (M. Price, NC 1967, p. 37, nos 1-3 and 5, with pl. III.1-3 and 5). The attribution to Prusias ad Hypium rests on the find-spot of so many specimens. Bosch (pp. 187-8), while thinking that the coin was an issue of the Koinon, suggested that the coin was minted in mid-86, when Domitian celebrated the first Capitoline festival. Price interpreted the legend as being in the masculine accusative and consisting of epithets of Zeus, but it would seem odd to omit the deity's name. He was reluctant to treat the legend as being neuter nominative, since he thought a reference to the restoration of the Capitoline temple at Rome at the faraway city of Prusias ad Hypium was unlikely. But there seems no obvious reason why Prusias ad Hypium should not have had its own Kapetolion sebaston, in imitation of that at Rome, a possibility made more probable by the likely representation of the same temple on a coin of Vespasian (RPC II, 669). GIC 608 also occurs on the Γερμανία and Γετική coins (RPC II, 685-6).