RPC I, 4093


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume I
Number 4093
Province Syria
Region Syria
City Mint of the fleet coinage
Reign Roman Republic
Magistrate Lucius Bibulus
Obverse inscription M·ANT·IM·TER·COS·DES[
Edition M(arcus) Ant(onius) im(perator) ter(tium) Co(n)s(ul) des[---]
Translation Mark Antony, commander-in-chief for the third time, consul designate [---]
Obverse design janiform head
Reverse inscription L BIBVLVS M F PR DESIG
Edition L(ucius) Bibulus M(arci) f(ilius) pr(aetor) desig(natus)
Translation Lucius Bibulus, son of Marcus, praetor designate
Reverse design stem of prow in the form of the head and neck of a goose
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 16 mm
Average weight 4.23 g
Reference RSN 1986, 80, F
Specimens 1 (0 in the core collections)
Note See R.A. Fischer, Fulvia und Octavia (Berlin, 1999), pp. 191-211.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ Rome