RPC I, 2905


Image of specimen #8


Coin type
Volume I
Number 2905
Province Asia
Subprovince Conventus of Cibyra
Region Phrygia
City Laodicea ad Lycum
Reign Tiberius
Magistrate Pythes II
Obverse inscription ΠΥΘ
Edition Πύθ(ης)
Translation Pythes
Obverse design laureate head of Apollo with lyre, right
Reverse inscription ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕΩΝ
Edition Λαοδικέων
Translation of the Laodiceans
Reverse design headdress of Isis
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 15 mm
Average weight 3.77 g
Axis 6, 12
Reference AMC 1399
Specimens 11 (5 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     O AMC 1399
2 2     B: I-B KM 264, no. 10, with Taf. IX.3
3 3     P: 1447
4 4     SNG vA 3808
5 5     CGT coll. = CNG EA 224, 16 Dec. 2009, lot 428
6 6     Pecunem Gitbud & Naumann 20, 3 Aug. 2014, lot 455
7 7     P: 1440a
8 8     ✸ Savoca Special Auction 79, 21 June 2020, lot 445
9 9     Naumann 75, 3 Mar. 2019, lot 467
10 10     Naumann 73, 6 Jan. 2019, lot 335
11 11     Cop SNG 517