RPC V.3, — (unassigned; ID 74999)


Image of specimen #—


Coin type
Volume V.3
Number — (unassigned; ID 74999)
Province Lycia-Pamphylia
Region Pisidia
City Cremna
Reign Septimius Severus
Person (obv.) Septimius Severus (Augustus)
Obverse inscription IMP C L SEVER PERTIN AVG
Edition Imp(erator) C(aesar) L(ucius) Sever(us) Pertin(ax) Aug(ustus)
Translation Emperor Caesar Lucius Severus Pertinax Augustus
Obverse design laureate and draped bust of Septimius Severus, right
Reverse inscription GENO (sic) COL CRE
Edition Gen<i>o col(oniae) Cre(mnensium)
Translation Genius of the colony Cremna
Reverse design Genius standing facing, head left, holding patera and cornucopia
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 18 mm
Average weight 4.40 g
Axis 6, 12
Reference vA Pisid. II, 1175-1179
Specimens 10 (3 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type