RPC X, — (unassigned; ID 63466)


Image of specimen #—


Coin type
Volume X
Number — (unassigned; ID 63466)
Province Lycia-Pamphylia
Region Pisidia
City Prostanna
Reign Claudius II
Person (obv.) Claudius II (Augustus)
Obverse inscription ΑΥ Κ ΜΑΡ ΑΥ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟϹ
Edition Αὐ(τοκράτωρ) Κ(αῖσαρ) Μᾶρ(κος) Αὐ(ρήλιος) Κλαύδιος
Translation Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Claudius
Obverse design laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius II, right, seen from front
Reverse inscription ΠΡΟϹΤΑΝΝΕΩΝ
Edition Προσταννέων
Translation of the Prostannans
Reverse design Ares, naked and helmeted standing left, holding shield and spear in left and resting right on parazonium set on ground
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 31 mm
Average weight 15.13 g
Axis 1
Reference vA Pisid. II, 1841–5, 1856
Specimens 8 (6 in the core collections)
Note On the obv., the M of ΜΑΡ is turned upside-down (WΑΡ).

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
    ✸ L: 1840,0217.213 BMC 7 = vA Pisid. 1843
    P: 542 SNG 1725 = vA Pisid. 1842
    B Markl 1900: 158 no. 8 = vA Pisid. 1844
    C vA Pisid. 1856
    G SNG 2105 = vA Pisid. 1845
    V vA Pisid.1841 = Markl 1900: 158 no. 8
    Naumann 48, 20 Nov. 2016, lot 441
    Savoca 108th Silver, 31 July 2021, lot 30432