RPC X, — (unassigned; ID 63232)


Image of specimen #—


Coin type
Volume X
Number — (unassigned; ID 63232)
Province Phrygia-Caria
Subprovince Conventus of Synnada
Region Phrygia
City Cotiaeum
Reign Valerian and Gallienus
Magistrate Publius Aelius Demetrianos (archon, of equestrian rank)
Obverse inscription ΔΗΜΟϹ
Edition Δῆμος
Translation the People
Obverse design Head of bearded Demos diademed right
Edition ἐπὶ Π(οπλίου) Δημητριανοῦ ἄρχ(οντος) Κοτιαέων
Translation under Publius Demetrianos, archon, of the Cotiaeans
Reverse design Cybele enthroned left (between one or two seated lions), holding patera in right and resting left on tympanum
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 20 mm
Average weight 3.66 g
Axis 1, 6, 7, 8, 12
Reference Martin, Demos Kotiaion 13
Specimens 15 (6 in the core collections)
Note The name Demetrianos occurs at Cotiaeum also under Macrinus and Severus Alexander, so it is possible that this coin is earlier. However, since it has the same ligatured form of his name as coins of Valerian and Gallienus, it has been retained in RPC X. 

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
    L: 1904,1103.5 BMC 14
    L: 1895,0606.90 BMC 15
    Cop SNG 316
    Mu: 3a. Acc.34701
    O: Robinson
    Leeds-UL: 845
    Tübingen: SNG Tübingen 4107
    Agora Auctions Numismatic 100, 4 May 2021, lot 93
    CGT coll.
    CGT coll.
    CGT coll.
    Numismad 6, 28 - 29 Jan. 2023, lot 1172
    ✸ priv Coll H.I.
    SNG vA 3773