RPC X, — (unassigned; ID 62824)


Image of specimen #—


Coin type
Volume X
Number — (unassigned; ID 62824)
Province Bithynia-Pontus
Region Paphlagonia
City Sinope
Reign Gallienus (sole reign)
Person (obv.) Gallienus (Augustus)
Issue Year CCCXXX = 330
Dating AD 260/1
Obverse inscription IMP C GALLIENVS AVG
Edition Imp(erator) C(aesar) Gallienus Aug(ustus)
Translation Emperor Caesar Gallienus Augustus
Obverse design radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gallienus, right, seen from front
Reverse inscription C I F S AN CCCXXX
Edition c(olonia) I(ulia) F(elix) S(inope) an(no) CCCXXX
Translation Colony Julia Felix Sinope in the year 330
Reverse design Sarapis reclining left on couch holding eagle on right; to left, star
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 27 mm
Average weight 13.52 g
Axis 9
Reference Rec —; Manisse 612 corr.
Specimens 1 (0 in the core collections)
Note Year 330 seems likely, as suggested by the star symbol and the obverse die link.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
    ✸ Sinop: 13-2-80 Casey 413 = Manisse 612 (year 325)