RPC X, — (unassigned; ID 60397)


Image of specimen #—


Coin type
Volume X
Number — (unassigned; ID 60397)
Province Lycia-Pamphylia
Region Cilicia
Subregion Cilicia Trachea
City Carallia
Reign Valerian and Gallienus
Person (obv.) Salonina (Augusta)
Issue Phase 3: coins marked 11, 8 and 3 (lighter)
Obverse inscription ΚΟΡΝΗΛΙΑ ϹΑΛΩΝΙΝΑ ϹΕ, ΙΑ
Edition Κορνηλία Σαλωνῖνα Σε(βαστὴ) ια´
Translation Cornelia Salonina Augusta, 11
Obverse design draped and diademed bust of Salonina, right
Reverse inscription ΚΑΡΑΛΛΙΩΤΩΝ
Edition Καραλλιωτῶν
Translation of the Carallians
Reverse design Athena standing right, holding shield on ground in left and spear in right
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 29 mm
Average weight 16.14 g
Axis 6, 12
Reference Watson 1382
Specimens 6 (2 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
    L: 1979,0101.2566 SNG vA —
    Winterthur: 4576
    CGT coll. ex Münzhandlung Ritter ex Burbach coll. = Ziegler 1988, no. 72
    ✸ CNG EA 342, 14 Jan. 2015, lot 426 = MM Deutschland 4, Mar. 1999, lot 242
    Zeus Numismatics EA 25, 23 Oct. 2022, lot 339