RPC IX, 959


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume IX
Number 959
Province Lycia-Pamphylia
Region Pisidia
City Sagalassus
Reign Trebonianus Gallus
Person (obv.) Volusian (Augustus)
Obverse inscription Α Κ ΓΑ Γ ΟΥ ΟΥΟΛΟΥϹϹΙΑΝΟ
Edition Α(ὐτοκράτωρ) Κ(αῖσαρ) Γά(ϊος) Ο(ὐίβιος) Οὐ(αελδουμνιανὸς) Οὐολουσσιανό(ς)
Translation Emperor Caesar Gaius Vibius Veldumnianus Volusianus
Obverse design diademed head of Volusian, right
Reverse inscription ϹΑΓΑΛΑϹϹΕΩΝ
Edition Σαγαλασσέων
Translation of the Sagalassians
Reverse design Lacedaemon standing left, wearing short chiton, holding patera in right hand and sword in left hand; at his feet right, shield
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 19 mm
Average weight 3.85 g
Axis 6, 12
Reference Cop 213
Specimens 4 (2 in the core collections)
Die-links 1–4: same pair of dies. 1–4: same obv. die as 961/1.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ B: I-B
2 2     Cop SNG 213
3 3     V-ON Leypold 2104 = Lanz 18, 13 May 1980, lot 578
4 4     private coll.