RPC IX, 1809


Image of specimen #5


Coin type
Volume IX
Number 1809
Province Syria Coele
Region Syria
City Antioch
Reign Trebonianus Gallus
Person (obv.) Volusian (Augustus)
Issue Group 1, officina 6
Edition Αὐτοκ(ράτωρ) Κ(αῖσαρ) Γ(άϊος) Ἀφίν(ιος) Γάλ(λος) Οὐε{ν}<λ>δ(ουμνιανὸς) Οὐολουσιανὸς Σεβ(αστός)
Translation Emperor Caesar Gaius Afinius Gallus Veldumnianus Volusianus Augustus
Obverse design radiate and draped bust of Volusian, right, seen from front; below bust: Ϛ
Reverse inscription ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞΟΥϹΙΑϹ, S C
Edition Δημαρχ(ικῆς) Ἐξουσίας S(enatus) C(onsulto)
Translation holder of the tribunitian power, by decree of the Senate
Reverse design eagle standing on line, facing, head left, spreading wings, holding wreath in beak; between legs: Ϛ
Metal debased silver
Average diameter 26 mm
Average weight 11.83 g
Axis 6, 11, 12
Reference Prieur 701 (8), McAlee 1187e
Specimens 12 (7 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L: 1840,0921.433 BMC 660
2 2     L: G.2415 BMC 659, pl. XXVI.6, obv.
3 3     P: 881
4 4     P: 882
5 5     ✸ NY: 1944.100.59414
6 6     NY: 1944.100.59415
7 7     O
8 8     CNG EA 353, 17 June 2015, lot 321
9 9     Dura Excavations 616
10 10     McAlee coll. = McAlee 1187e
11 11     Prieur coll. = Prieur 701
12 12     Roma Numismatics IV, 30 Sept. 2012, lot 2526