RPC IX, 1684


Image of specimen #15


Coin type
Volume IX
Number 1684
Province Syria Coele
Region Syria
City Antioch
Reign Trajan Decius
Person (obv.) Hostilian (Caesar)
Issue Group 3 and 4: bronze city coinage
Edition Γ(άϊος) Οὐάλ(ενς) Ὀστιλιαν(ὸς) Μέ(σσιος) Κύϊντος Κέσαρ
Translation Gaius Valens Hostilianus Messius Quintus Caesar
Obverse design bare-headed and draped bust of Hostilian, right, seen from rear
Reverse inscription ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟ ΚΟΛΩ(Ν), Δ Ε, S C
Edition Ἀντιοχέων μητρο(πόλεως) κολων(ίας) δʹ ἐ(παρχιῶν) s(enatus) c(onsulto)
Translation of the Antiochenes, metropolis colony, of the 4 eparchies, by decree of the Senate
Reverse design portable shrine with four columns enclosing statue of Tyche seated, facing, with river god (Orontes) facing, at her feet; above, ram running right; usually, carry-bars at the base of the shrine
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 31 mm
Average weight 17.08 g
Axis 5, 6, 7, 11, 12
Reference CRS 502d, McAlee 1163
Specimens 15 (9 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L: 1844,0425.1197 BMC 628
2 2     L: 1844,0425.302 BMC 629
3 3     L: GR.2011
4 4     L: GR.2012
5 5     B: 5293
6 6     B: 18257633, 1906 Löbbecke
7 7     O
8 8     V: GR 21567
9 9     V: GR 21568
10 10     Yale: 2001.87.7237
11 11     CNG 29, 30 Mar. 1994, lot 988
12 12     CNG EA 285, 22 Aug. 2012, lot 231
13 13     CNG EA 71, 20 Aug. 2003, lot 113
14 14     Gorny & Mosch 134, 11 Oct. 2004, lot 2146
15 15     ✸ J. Okun-Dubitsky coll.