RPC VII.1, 614


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume VII.1
Number 614
Province Asia
Subprovince Conventus of Alabanda
Region Caria
City Aphrodisias
Reign Gordian III
Person (obv.) Gordian III (Augustus)
Obverse inscription ΑΥ ΚΑ ΜΑ ΑΝ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ
Edition Αὐ(τοκράτωρ) Κα(ῖσαρ) Μᾶ(ρκος) Ἀν(τώνιος) Γορδιανός
Translation Emperor Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus
Obverse design laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, right, seen from rear
Reverse inscription ΑΦΡΟΔΕΙϹΙΕΩΝ
Edition Ἀφροδεισιέων
Translation of Aphrodisians
Reverse design emperor on horseback galloping left over fallen foe
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 35 mm
Average weight 17.73 g
Axis 12
Reference MacDonald 182
Specimens 2 (1 in the core collections)
Die-links 1–2: same pair of dies. 1–2: same obv. die as 613.1/1, 613.2/2–3, 615/1.
Note On the rev., the Ν is retrograde.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ Stephens coll.
2 2     O