RPC VI, 30552 (temporary)



Coin type
Volume VI
Number 30552 (temporary)
Province Galatia
Region Pontus
City Amisus
Reign Severus Alexander
Issue Year ϹΞΓ = 263
Dating 231/232
Obverse inscription ΕΤ ϹΞΓ
Edition ἔτ(ους) σξγʹ
Translation of year 263
Obverse design draped bust of Hermes, right, with caduceus over shoulder
Reverse inscription ΑΜΙΣΟΥ
Edition Ἀμισοῦ
Translation of Amisus
Reverse design capricorn, right
Metal copper-based alloy
Reference Rec 59a, Dalaison 2017, Amisos 22
Specimens 1 (0 in the core collections)
Note Confirmation required. Rec gives ƐΤ [Ϲ]ΞΓ, but it might have been misread and is one of the other P coins of this period.  263 = 231/2

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     Gd Duc = Rec 59a (not illustrated).