RPC VI, 10891 (temporary)


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume VI
Number 10891 (temporary)
Province Asia
Subprovince Conventus of Alabanda
Region Caria
City Ceramus
Reign Elagabalus
Person (obv.) Elagabalus (Augustus)
Magistrate Marcus Aurelius Evandros II (chief physician and former archon)
Obverse inscription ΑΥ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ
Edition Αὐ(τοκράτορ) Καῖ(σαρ) Μ(ᾶρκος) Αὐρ(ήλιος) Ἀντωνεῖνος
Translation Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Obverse design laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus right, seen from rear
Edition Μ(ᾶρκος) Αὐ(ρήλιος) Εὔανδρος βʹ ἀρχίατ(ρος) ἄρξ(ας) Κεραμιητῶν
Translation Marcus Aurelius Evandros II, chief physician, former archon, of the Ceramians
Reverse design temple with four columns, enclosing male figure standing left, in a short chiton, holding double axe and spear; to left, lion
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 35 mm
Average weight 33.99 g
Axis 6
Reference Spanu 1997, p. 53–54, no. 38,Türkoğlu, Keramos D27 (Caracalla)
Specimens 1 (1 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ V: GR 35425 Spanu 1997, p. 53–54, no. 38, fig. 5