RPC VI, 10824 (temporary)


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume VI
Number 10824 (temporary)
Province Asia
Subprovince Conventus of Adramyteum
Region Troas
City Alexandria
Reign Elagabalus
Person (obv.) Julia Paula (Augusta)
Issue Group 1
Obverse inscription IVLI CORNELIA PAVLA A
Edition Iuli(a) Cornelia Paula A(ugusta)
Translation Julia Cornelia Paula, Empress
Obverse design draped bust of Julia Paula, right
Reverse inscription COL ALEX AVG
Edition col(onia) Alex(andria) Aug(usta)
Translation Colony of Alexandria Augusta
Reverse design she-wolf, right, looking back and feeding twins
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 23 mm
Average weight 7.32 g
Axis 6
Reference Bellinger A322
Specimens 2 (0 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ Savoca Numismatik GmbH & Co. KG Online 31 Silver, 10 Mar. 2019, lot 305
2 2     CGT coll. = Leu Numismatic EA 14, 12 Dec. 2020, lot 964