RPC IV.2, 927 (temporary)


Image of specimen #7


Coin type
Volume IV.2
Number 927 (temporary)
Province Asia
Subprovince Conventus of Alabanda
Region Caria
City Rhodes
Reign Commodus
Person (obv.) Commodus (Augustus)
Obverse inscription ΡΟΔΙωΝ (ωΝ retrograde on some specimens)
Edition Ῥοδίων
Translation of the Rhodians
Obverse design radiate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from front
Reverse inscription ΡΟΔΙωΝ (ωΝ retrograde on some specimens)
Edition Ῥοδίων
Translation of the Rhodians
Reverse design radiate-headed and draped bust of Helios, right
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 15 mm
Average weight 3.49 g
Axis 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12
Reference BMC 407 corr., BMC 422, Cop 912
Specimens 85 (16 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L: BMC 422, pl. XLIII.9
2 2     L: BMC 407, obverse as 'Helios', reverse as 'Sarapis'
3 3     L: 1925-9-3-13
4 4     Cop: 912
5 5     P: 1687
6 6     P: 1688
7 7     ✸ P: 1689
8 8     P: Delepierre 58
9 9     Helsinki SNG Keckman I, 788
10 10     Helsinki SNG Keckman I, 789
11 11     Helsinki SNG Keckman I, 790
12 12     Lindgren I, 707
13 13     Turin: DC 24401
14 14     De Nicola 1969/3, 227
15 15     O
16 16     A: 5722α
17 17     A: Π 1907/09 ιζ' 29
18 18     A: 1907-9N'23
19 19     Trade, London marked 1975 (ex coll. Heller)
20 20     Trade, London marked 1978
21 21     Trade, Rhodes marked 1980
22 22     Trade, Swiss marked 1980
23 23     Private coll. Postel, Hamburg
24 24     Private coll. Postel, Hamburg
25 25     Silifke Museum
26 26     Private coll. L. Cancio, USA
27 27     Private coll. L. Cancio, USA
28 28     Private coll. L. Cancio, USA
29 29     Private coll. L. Cancio, USA
30 30     Private coll. L. Cancio, USA
31 31     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 41, no. 18, pl. 26
32 32     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 41, no. 19, pl. 26
33 33     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 41, no. 20, pl. 26, dies appear transposed, with Helios on obverse, Commodus on reverse
34 34     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 41, no. 21, pl. 26
35 35     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 41, no. 22, pl. 26
36 36     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 41, no. 23, pl. 26
37 37     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 41, no. 24, pl. 26
38 38     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 41, no. 25, pl. 26
39 39     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 41, no. 26, pl. 26
40 40     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 41, no. 27, pl. 26
41 41     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 42, no. 28, pl. 27
42 42     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 42, no. 29, pl. 27
43 43     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 42, no. 30, pl. 27
44 44     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 42, no. 31, pl. 27
45 45     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 42, no. 32, pl. 27
46 46     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 42, no. 33, pl. 27
47 47     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 42, no. 34, pl. 27
48 48     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 42, no. 35, pl. 27
49 49     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 42, no. 36, pl. 27
50 50     Private collection RHJA, London = SACT 42, no. 37, pl. 27
51 51     Private collection RHJA, London
52 52     Private collection RHJA, London
53 53     Private collection RHJA, London
54 54     Private collection RHJA, London
55 55     Private collection RHJA, London
56 56     Private collection RHJA, London
57 57     Private coll. B. F. Bennett, USA
58 58     Private coll. B. F. Bennett, USA
59 59     Private coll. B. F. Bennett, USA
60 60     Tübingen: coll. Hommel SNG 3612
61 61     Tübingen: coll. Hommel SNG 3613, worn, both legends obscure
62 62     A J.N. Svoronos, JIAN 6 (1903), 185, no. 58, ex private coll. Demetrios P. Mauromichales
63 63     NY: 1944.100.48848
64 64     B: 1871/291, ex coll. E. Schaubert
65 65     B: (Fox)
66 66     B: I-B
67 67     V: GR 18687
68 68     V: GR 18688
69 69     C: Leake 6515, Insular Greece, p. 36.18
70 70     Peus 369 (31/10/2001), 1193, pl. 56, obverse legend probably ΡΟΔΙΩΝ with ΩΝ retrograde
71 71     H.D. Rauch Summer 2012 (20/09/2012), 1073
72 72     Lanz 131 (27/11/2006), coll. Karl, 795
73 73     Aufhäuser 12 (01/10/1996), 587 = Lanz 131 (27/11/2006), coll. Karl, 791
74 74     Ödemiş: Inv. 3182 SNG Turkey 7.I, no. 452
75 75     Lanz 131 (27/11/2006), coll. Karl, 792
76 76     Münzen & Medaillen Deutschland 13 (09/10/2003), coll. J.-P. Righetti, 478 = CNG Electronic Auction 214 (15/07/2009), 313
77 77     Gorny & Mosch 79 (14/10/1996), 401 = Lanz 131 (27/09/2006), coll. Karl, 793
78 78     Gorny & Mosch 79 (14/10/1996), 401 = Lanz 131 (27/11/2006), coll. Karl, 794
79 79     H.D. Rauch Summer 2012 (20/09/2012), 1074 = CNG Electronic Auction 350 (06/05/2015), 358
80 80     G. Hirsch 183 (20/09/1994), 1264
81 81     Fritz Rudolf Künker 83 (17/06/2003), 1006 = Jean Elsen 78 (20/03/2004), 499, pl. 136 = Jean Elsen 110 (10/09/2011), 549
82 82     MünzZentrum 152 (02/09/2009), 295
83 83     Schulten 24 (19/04/1989), 430
84 84     CNG Electronic Auction 138 (26/04/2006), 146
85 85     Aufhäuser 9 (07/10/1992), 343 = Lanz 131 (27/11/2006), coll. Karl, 790