RPC IV.2, 888 (temporary)


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume IV.2
Number 888 (temporary)
Province Asia
Subprovince Conventus of Alabanda
Region Caria
City Euippe
Reign Marcus Aurelius
Person (obv.) Commodus (Augustus)
Dating 177–180
Obverse inscription [Λ ΑΥΡΗ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ]
Edition Λ(ούκιος) Αὐρή(λιος) Κόμοδος
Translation Lucius Aurelius Commodus
Obverse design laureate-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from centre
Reverse inscription ΜΑΙΑΝΔΡ ΕΥΙΠΠΕΩΝ
Edition Μαίανδρ(ος) Εὐιππέων
Translation Maeander, of the Euippeans
Reverse design river-god Maiandros reclining, left, holding reed and cornucopia, resting on water-urn
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 30 mm
Average weight 12.11 g
Axis 6
Specimens 1 (1 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ L: 1979-1-1-1876 vA 2520 = Kraft, p. 190, pl. 91.5b