RPC IV.2, 763 (temporary)


Image of specimen #2


Coin type
Volume IV.2
Number 763 (temporary)
Province Asia
Subprovince Conventus of Cyzicus
Region Mysia
City Cyzicus
Reign Commodus
Magistrate Naevius Quintus Maximus (strategos)
Alliance with Smyrna
Dating c. 180–182
Obverse inscription ΚΟΡΗ ϹΩΤΕΙΡΑ ΚΥΖΙΚΗΝΩΝ
Edition Κόρη Σώτειρα Κυζικηηνῶν
Translation Kore Soteira, of the Cyzicenes
Obverse design corn-wreathed and draped bust of Kore Soteira (head assimilated to portrait of Faustina II?) wearing necklace, right
Reverse inscription ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡΑΤ ΝΑΙΒ ΚΥΙΝΤο[Υ ΜΑΞΙΜοΥ] ΚΥΖΙΚΟϹ ϹΜΥΡΝΑ οΜοΝοΙΑ (Ϲ shaped as Ζ)
Edition ἐπὶ στρατ(ηγοῦ) Ναιβ(ίου) Κυίντου Μαξίμου Κύζικος Σμύρνα ὁμόνοια
Translation under the strategos Naevius Quintus Maximus, Cyzicus, Smyrna, concord
Reverse design to left, hero Kyzikos standing, right, chlamys over shoulder, holding spear; to right, Amazon Smyrna standing, left, holding holding double axe and pelta; both clasping hands
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 43 mm
Average weight 34.03 g
Axis 6
Reference Franke & Nollé 1037, H. von Fritze, Nomisma 10 (1917), VI 6l, D. Salgado, OMNI 9 (2015), p. 178 (Tipo VII)
Specimens 2 (1 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type