Image of specimen #2 |
URI | https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/4/763 json ttl rdf xml epidoc |
Volume | IV.2 |
Number | 763 (temporary) |
Province | Asia |
Subprovince | Conventus of Cyzicus |
Region | Mysia |
City | Cyzicus |
Reign | Commodus |
Magistrate | Naevius Quintus Maximus (strategos) |
Alliance with | Smyrna |
Issue | ΚΟΜΜΟΔΟС |
Dating | c. 180–182 |
Obverse inscription | ΚΟΡΗ ϹΩΤΕΙΡΑ ΚΥΖΙΚΗΝΩΝ |
Edition | Κόρη Σώτειρα Κυζικηηνῶν |
Translation | Kore Soteira, of the Cyzicenes |
Obverse design | corn-wreathed and draped bust of Kore Soteira (head assimilated to portrait of Faustina II?) wearing necklace, right |
Reverse inscription | ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡΑΤ ΝΑΙΒ ΚΥΙΝΤο[Υ ΜΑΞΙΜοΥ] ΚΥΖΙΚΟϹ ϹΜΥΡΝΑ οΜοΝοΙΑ (Ϲ shaped as Ζ) |
Edition | ἐπὶ στρατ(ηγοῦ) Ναιβ(ίου) Κυίντου Μαξίμου Κύζικος Σμύρνα ὁμόνοια |
Translation | under the strategos Naevius Quintus Maximus, Cyzicus, Smyrna, concord |
Reverse design | to left, hero Kyzikos standing, right, chlamys over shoulder, holding spear; to right, Amazon Smyrna standing, left, holding holding double axe and pelta; both clasping hands |
Metal | copper-based alloy |
Average diameter | 43 mm |
Average weight | 34.03 g |
Axis | 6 |
Reference | Franke & Nollé 1037, H. von Fritze, Nomisma 10 (1917), VI 6l, D. Salgado, OMNI 9 (2015), p. 178 (Tipo VII) |
Specimens | 2 (1 in the core collections) |