RPC IV.3, 7166 (temporary)


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume IV.3
Number 7166 (temporary)
Province Syria
Region Syria
City Antioch
Reign Marcus Aurelius
Person (obv.) Commodus (Augustus)
Issue Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, co-emperors
Dating 177–180
Obverse inscription ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΚοΜΜΟΔΟϹ ϹΕΒ
Edition Αὐτ(οκράτωρ) Καῖσ(αρ) Κόμμοδος Σεβ(αστός)
Translation Emperor Caesar Commodus Augustus
Obverse design laureate-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing paludamentum, right
Reverse inscription ΓΕΡ ϹΑΡ ΔΗΜ ΕΞ [Δ] ΥΠΑΤ Β (Ξ shaped as Ζ)
Reverse design turreted and veiled Tyche seated on rock, right, holding two ears of corn, resting foot on swimming river-god Orontes; to right, ram's head, right and star
Metal silver
Average diameter 27 mm
Axis 11
Specimens 1 (1 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ P: 538 A. Dieudonné, RN 1929, 24, no. 2(a), pl. II (IV).17 (rev.) = Prieur 29, no. 176, illustrated, pierced, 13.95g