RPC IV.1, 4252 (temporary)


Image of specimen #3


Coin type
Volume IV.1
Number 4252 (temporary)
Province Macedonia
Region Macedonia
City Cassandrea
Reign Marcus Aurelius
Person (obv.) Commodus (uncertain title)
Obverse inscription IM L AVR CoM (A shaped as Λ)
Edition Im(perator) L(ucius) Aur(elius) Com(modus)
Translation Emperor Lucius Aurelius Commodus
Obverse design laureate head of Commodus (lightly bearded - short beard), right
Reverse inscription CoL IVL AVG C[A]SS (A shaped as Λ)
Edition col(onia) Iul(ia) Aug(usta) Cass(andrias)
Translation colony Julia Augusta Cassandrea
Reverse design nude Neptune/Poseidon standing with foot on prow, right, holding trident and dolphin
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 22 mm
Average weight 6.73 g
Axis 6
Reference Cop 153
Specimens 3 (2 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
2 2     Cop: 153, cast at the Griechisches Münzwerk, Berlin
3 3     ✸ P: 949, under 'Corinth'
4 4     Private coll. CGT = Leu Numismatic Auction 1, (25/6/17), 713