RPC IV.2, 2726 (temporary)


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume IV.2
Number 2726 (temporary)
Province Asia
Subprovince Conventus of Alabanda
Region Caria
City Heraclea Salbace
Reign Uncertain
Issue 'Pseudo-autonomous': Second or early third century AD
Dating c. 100–218
Obverse inscription ΙΕΡΑ ϹΥΝΚΛΗΤΟϹ
Edition Ἱερὰ Σύνκλητος
Translation Sacred Senate
Obverse design draped bust of the Senate (youthful), left
Reverse inscription ΗΡΑΚΛΕΩΤΩΝ
Edition Ἡρακλεωτῶν
Translation of the Heracleans
Reverse design Apolline Triad: to left, veiled Leto standing, facing, head, right, holding branch and long sceptre; in centre, laureate Apollo standing, facing, holding patera and double axe; to right, Artemis standing, facing, head, left, holding patera and bow
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 30 mm
Average weight 14.69 g
Axis 5, 6, 12
Specimens 5 (3 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ P: 699 Wa 2412
2 2     Mu: 2, acc. 31291 SNG 229
3 3     Mu: 2a, acc. 19677 SNG 230
4 4     Lanz, worn
5 5     Rome: 80353 Calomino MNR 320