RPC IV.3, 25245 (temporary)


Image of specimen #2


Coin type
Volume IV.3
Number 25245 (temporary)
Province Galatia
Region Paphlagonia
City Pompeiopolis
Reign Antoninus Pius
Person (obv.) Antoninus Pius (Augustus)
Obverse inscription ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ Τ ΑΙΛ ΑΔΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ
Edition Αὐτ(οκράτωρ) Καῖσ(αρ) Τ(ίτος) Αἴλ(ιος) Ἁδρ(ιανὸς) Ἀντωνῖνος
Translation Emperor Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus
Obverse design laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right
Edition Μητρόπολις Παφλα(γονίας) Πομπηιόπολις
Translation Metropolis of Paphlagonia, Pompeiopolis
Reverse design Tyche standing facing, head left, holding rudder and cornucopia
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 29 mm
Average weight 15.90 g
Axis 6
Reference Rec -
Specimens 2 (0 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     CNG EA 562, 15 May 2024, lot 331
2 2     ✸ Leu 7, 24 Oct. 2020, lot 1427