Image of specimen #24 |
URI | https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/3/676 json ttl rdf xml epidoc |
Volume | III |
Number | 676 |
Province | Thrace |
Region | Thrace |
City | Abdera |
Reign | Hadrian |
Person (obv.) | Hadrian (Augustus) |
Person (rev.) | Trajan (Divus) |
Obverse inscription | ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑ ΤΡΑ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ (ΚΑΙϹΑΡ) |
Edition | Αὐτοκρά(τωρ) Τρα(ϊανὸς) Ἁδριανὸς Καῖσαρ |
Translation | Emperor Trajan Hadrian Caesar |
Obverse design | laureate and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, right |
Reverse inscription | ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑ ΘΕω ΔΙ ΑΒΔΗΡΙΤΗ |
Edition | Αὐτοκρά(τορι) θεῷ Δὶ Ἀβδηρίτῃ |
Translation | to the divine Emperor, to Abderite Zeus |
Reverse design | laureate, draped and cuirassed male bust, right, seen from front or rear |
Metal | copper-based alloy |
Average diameter | 17 mm |
Average weight | 3.35 g |
Axis | 6, 7, 12 |
Reference | Chryssanthaki 917–30 |
Specimens | 28 (6 in the core collections) |
Note | The beginning of the obv. legend was read as ΑΥΤΟKΡΑ by Chryssanthaki. For the reading of the reverse, see introduction. |