RPC III, 4461


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume III
Number 4461
Province Egypt
Region Egypt
City Alexandria
Reign Trajan
Person (obv.) Trajan (Augustus)
Issue L ΙΓ = year 13
Dating AD 109/10
Obverse inscription ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ
Edition Αὐτ(οκράτωρ) Τραϊαν(ὸς) Σεβ(αστὸς) Γερμ(ανικὸς) Δακικ(ός)
Translation Emperor Trajan Augustus Germanicus Dacicus
Obverse design laureate bust of Trajan, right, draped and cuirassed, seen from rear
Reverse inscription L ΙΓ
Edition (ἔτους) ιγʹ
Translation of year 13
Reverse design Zeus (?) standing, left, holding thunderbolt (?) and sceptre; to left, altar; to right altar with eagle (?) with outstretched wings
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 34 mm
Average weight 21.98 g
Specimens 3 (0 in the core collections)
Note The design is uncertain; the figure is clearly male and naked, and holds a sceptre; the altar to the r. has an eagle (or sphinx?) with outstretched wings. These features suggest Zeus; but he does not especially look like Zeus. But it is not clear what (if anything) he is holding out to l. The object in front of him looks more like a jug on the A coin, but seems to have some flames on the Private and DS coins. DS7152 is on DS pl. 49 between D1018 (Hades) and 7153 (Poseidon); this suggests that Dattari identified the figure as one whose name began between H and P: Emmett 566 follows the identification as Poseidon. The figure looks the same as on 4464.
Correction Corrected coin-type (post publication)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ A: 1874 (1124B)
2 2     Naville 29, 26 Feb. 2017, lot 374 = DS7152
3 3     Private collection