RPC III, 3847


Image of specimen #25


Coin type
Volume III
Number 3847
Province Syria
Region Phoenicia
City Berytus
Reign Trajan
Person (obv.) Trajan (Augustus)
Issue Trajan, Divus Augustus, Divus Nerva
Dating AD 114 or later
Edition Imp(eratori) Caes(ari) Ner(vae) Traiano Op(timo) Aug(usto) Ger(manico) Dac(ico) P(atri) P(atriae)
Translation to Emperor Caesar Nerva Trajan, the Best, Augustus Germanicus Dacicus, father of the fatherland
Obverse design laureate draped bust of Trajan (from rear), right
Reverse inscription COL (IVL AVG) BER
Edition col(onia) Iul(ia) Aug(usta) Ber(ytus)
Translation The Julian colony of Augusta, Berytus
Reverse design nude Neptune standing with foot on prow, left, holding dolphin and trident
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 26 mm
Average weight 13.55 g
Axis 12
Reference S 725–54, Rouvier 530–1
Specimens 28 (4 in the core collections)
Note Laureate bust r. (S 725-38): 1-14; Draped bust from rear (S739-48): 15-24; The rev. inscription includes IVL AVG only occasionally (S 735-6, 738). CAES is omitted from the obv. inscription on at least several dies (S 730-36). One coin (Beirut Museum 967 = S 749, 15.57) is supposed to read [ ]PARTH AVG at the end of the obverse. This would be an important indication of chronology, but it seems uncertain and is best omitted from the catalogue for the moment (see introduction).

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L: 1908,0110.1115 BMC 90, S 732
2 2     L: 1907,1102.3 BMC 91, S 725
3 3 –14     see S
15 15     L: 1900,0707.71 BMC 89, S 740
16 16     P: 1230 S 744
17 17 –24     see S
25 25     ✸ T. Mullally coll.
26 26     CGT coll.
27 27     CGT coll.
28 28     Private North American