RPC III, 2191


Image of specimen #40


Coin type
Volume III
Number 2191
Province Asia
Subprovince Conventus of Alabanda
Region Caria
City Rhodes
Reign Uncertain
Dating First half of the second century
Obverse inscription ΡΟΔΙωΝ
Edition Ῥοδίων
Translation of the Rhodians
Obverse design radiate bust of Helios, right
Reverse inscription ΡΟΔΙωΝ
Edition Ῥοδίων
Translation of the Rhodians
Reverse design radiate bust of Sarapis, right wearing kalathos
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 17 mm
Average weight 3.51 g
Axis 6, 12
Reference BMC 404–6
Specimens 40 (11 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L BMC 404
2 2     L BMC 405
3 3     L BMC 406
4 4     L: 1935,1102.17
5 5     P: 1665
6 6     P: 1666
7 7     G SNG 1895
8 8     Cop SNG 907
9 9     Aarhus SNG 796
10 10     Turin: DC 24399
11 11     Turin: DC 24402
12 12     Turin Fabretti 4286
13 13     Milan: B 2919
14 14     Parma: 3504
15 15     Parma: 3505
16 16     B
17 17     B: 17325
18 18     B: 17331
19 19     Bennett coll.
20 20     Formerly Cancio coll.
21 21     Formerly Cancio coll.
22 22     Formerly Cancio coll.
23 23     Lindgren 704
24 24     RHJA coll. ( = SACT, 41/7)
25 25     RHJA coll. ( = SACT, 41/8)
26 26     RHJA coll. ( = SACT, 41/9)
27 27     RHJA coll. ( = SACT, 41/10)
28 28     RHJA coll. ( = SACT, 41/11)
29 29     RHJA coll. ( = SACT, 41/12)
30 30     RHJA coll. ( = SACT, 41/13)
31 31     RHJA coll. ( = SACT, 41/14)
32 32     RHJA coll.
33 33     RHJA coll.
34 34     RHJA coll.
35 35     Schulten 1 Apr. 1978, lot 182
36 36     Kovacs FPL 4, Feb. 1978, lot 22
37 37     Hirsch 182, 4–6 May 1994, lot 318
38 38     CGT coll.
39 39     SNG vA 8201
40 40     ✸ Savoca Coins Silver 156th Silver, 19 Feb. 2023, lot 172