RPC III, 1305


Image of specimen #14


Coin type
Volume III
Number 1305
Province Asia
Region Uncertain
City Cistophoric mint
Reign Nerva
Person (obv.) Nerva (Augustus)
Issue Second Group: Cos IIII
Dating AD 98
Obverse inscription IMP NERVA CAES AVG GERM P M TR POT P P
Edition Imp(erator) Nerva Caes(ar) Aug(ustus) Germ(anicus) P(ontifex) M(aximus) Tr(ibunicia) Pot(estate) P(ater) P(atriae)
Translation Emperor Nerva Caesar Augustus Germanicus, chief priest, with tribunician power, father of the fatherland
Obverse design laureate head of Hadrian, right
Reverse inscription COS - IIII (legend horizontal in the field)
Edition Co(n)s(ul) IIII
Translation Consul for the fourth time
Reverse design bundle of six ears of corn
Metal silver
Average diameter 26 mm
Average weight 10.02 g
Axis 6
Reference RIC 125; Woytek p. 74, Typ 6 and Taf. 18, 6
External URI(s) http://numismatics.org/ocre/id/ric.2.ner.125
Specimens 17 (4 in the core collections)
Die-links 1, 15: same obv. die. 2–3, 7, 9: same obv. die. 5, 10–11, 13, 16: same obv. die as 1304/1–2, 4, 1306/1–2. 8, 17: same obv. die.
Note [8 obv. dies, one shared with 1304 and 1306]

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L BMC 85 (and Pl. 3, 15)
2 2     V: R 16041
3 3     Mu
4 4     NY: 1944.100.42646 ex Hamburger 19 Oct. 1925, Niklovits coll., lot 760
5 5     vA 6599
6 6     Hamburger, Sammlung eines Bekannten Ausländischen Amateurs, 19 Oct. 1925, lot 760
7 7     Gilhofer and Ranschburg – Hess, Trau coll., 22 May 1935, lot 859
8 8     Klenau 83, 27 Oct. 1973, lot 2382
9 9     Lanz 58, 21 Nov. 1991, lot 554
10 10     Freeman and Sear, FPL 1, Winter/Spring 1994, lot 252
11 11     Lanz 94, Benz coll., 22 Nov. 1999, lot 410
12 12     CNG MBS 57, 4 Apr. 2001, lot 1187
13 13     Berk BBS 120, 10 May 2001, lot 449
14 14     ✸ Peus 380, 3 Nov. 2004, lot 751
15 15     Berk 145th BBS, 14 Sept. 2005, lot 475
16 16     DNW 6, 29 Sept. 2008, lot 5983
17 17     Berk Stock Inv. 46420