RPC III, 1057 (forgery)


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume III
Number 1057 (forgery)
Province Bithynia-Pontus
Region Bithynia
City Cius
Reign Hadrian
Person (obv.) Antinous
Obverse inscription ΑΝΤΙΝΟΟ (sic)
Edition Ἀντίνοο(ς)
Translation Antinous
Obverse design bare head of Antinous, left
Reverse inscription ΚΙΑΝΟΙ [ΑΔΡΙ]ΑΝΟΙ
Edition Κιανοί Ἁδριανοί
Translation the Hadrianic Cians
Reverse design nude male figure standing on a rock, right, holding a long stalk (a spear?)
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 37 mm
Average weight 32.85 g
Reference Blum Kios 1, Rec 37
Specimens 1 (1 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ P: 475 Blum pl. IV, 1 = Rec pl. L, 19