RPC II, 865


Image of specimen #15


Coin type
Volume II
Number 865
Province Asia
Region Uncertain
City Cistophoric mint
Reign Domitian
Person (obv.) Domitian (Augustus)
Issue Earlier issue
Dating c. AD 82
Edition Imp(erator) Caes(ar) Domitian(us) Aug(ustus) p(ontifex) m(aximus) co(n)s(ul) VIII
Translation Emperor Caesar Domitian Augustus, chief priest, consul for the eighth time
Obverse design laureate head of Domitian, right
Reverse inscription
Reverse design legionary eagle between two standards, one surmounted by banner and the other surmounted by hand
Metal silver
Average diameter 25 mm
Average weight 10.47 g
Axis 6, 7
Reference BMCRE 252; RIC 843
External URI(s) http://numismatics.org/ocre/id/ric.2_1(2).dom.843
Specimens 17 (9 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L BMCRE 252
2 2     NY: 1944.100.42529
3 3     Mu
4 4     C: 1978/08
5 5     O
6 6     O
7 7     V: GR 29825
8 8     P: 46
9 9     B: 18213957, 1853/11670
10 10     V-Universität
11 11     SNC, Mar. 1984, lot 974 = SNC, Feb. 1979, lot 1121
12 12     MünzZentrum 58, 1986, lot 1971
13 13     vA 6580
14 14     Giessener 82, 1997, lot 190
15 15     ✸ Goldberg 55, 29 Oct. 2009, lot 162
16 16     Freiburg: 01118
17 17     A. Tricarico coll.