RPC II, 862


Image of specimen #11


Coin type
Volume II
Number 862
Province Asia
Region Uncertain
City Cistophoric mint
Reign Titus
Person (obv.) Domitian (Caesar)
Dating AD 81 (?)
Edition Caes(ar) Divi f(ilius) Domitianus Co(n)s(ul) VII
Translation Caesar Domitian, son of the divine, consul for the seventh time
Obverse design laureate head of Domitian, right
Reverse inscription DIVO VESP
Edition Divo Vesp(asiano)
Translation to the divine Vespasian
Reverse design altar
Metal silver
Average diameter 26 mm
Average weight 10.53 g
Axis 5, 6, 7
Reference BMCRE 150; RIC 75
External URI(s) http://numismatics.org/ocre/id/ric.2_1(2).tit.517
Specimens 14 (6 in the core collections)
Note There are plated specimens in Mu (6.30 g; Axis: 11) and B 7219 (7.21 g; Axis: 5; https://ikmk.smb.museum/object?id=18213954). For a die link between this type (862/3) and 863/3 (Domitian on horse), see Imhoof-Blumer, GRMK, p. 168. W.E. Metcalf has recorded five obverse dies for these specimens, three of which also occur on 863.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L BMCRE 150
2 2     P: 44
3 3     NY: 1955.22.9
4 4     B: I-B GRMK, p. 8, no. 7
5 5     V: GR 34368
6 6     Cop SNG 468
7 7     vA 6578
8 8     Dorotheum 433, 22 Apr. 1985, lot 51
9 9     Gemini X, 13 Jan. 2013, lot 750
10 10     Freiburg: 01034
11 11     ✸ A. Tricarico coll. (ex Rauch 94, 9 Apr. 2014, lot 819)
12 12     VICTORIA Numismatics 2, 27 Sept. 2022, lot 367
13 13     Boston: 61.1195
14 14     Boston: 63.2651