RPC II, 1983


Image of specimen #12


Coin type
Volume II
Number 1983
Province Syria
Region Syria
City Antioch
Reign Vespasian
Person (obv.) Vespasian (Augustus)
Issue Orichalcum coinage
Dating AD 74
Obverse inscription IMP CAESAR VESPASIAN(VS) AVG
Edition Imp(erator) Caesar Vespasianus Aug(ustus)
Translation Emperor Caesar Vespasian, Augustus
Obverse design laureate head of Vespasian, left
Reverse inscription PON • MAX • TR • POT • P • P • COS V • CENS •
Edition Pon(tifex) Max(imus) Tr(ibunicia) Pot(estate) P(ater) P(atriae) Co(n)s(ul) V Cens(or)
Translation Chief Priest, with tribunician power, father of the fatherland, consul for the fifth time, censor
Reverse design winged caduceus between crossed cornucopias
Metal brass
Average diameter 27 mm
Average weight 12.52 g
Axis 6, 7, 12
Reference RIC 798 (b–c), BMCRE 888–90, McAlee 60–1
Specimens 25 (6 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     P: 5100
2 2     P: 5101
3 3     L BMCRE 888, pl. 43, 6
4 4     L BMCRE 889
5 5     L BMCRE 890
6 6     C SNG 5838
7 7     Zwicker coll.
8 8     Zwicker coll.
9 9     Zwicker coll.
10 10     Hamburger, 19 Oct. 1925, lot 658
11 11     Glendining, Hall coll. II, 16–21 Nov. 1950, lot 1201
12 12     ✸ Bakker Coll. (ex Naville & Cie (Ars Classica VIII), C.S. Bement Collection, June 1924, lot 722; MM list 311, Apr. 1970, lot 29; Hess Divo, Auction 339, Oct. 2020, lot 92)
13 13     MM list 408, Feb. 1979, lot 22
14 14     NAC-Taisei, Steinberg coll., 16 Nov. 1994, lot 297
15 15     Sternberg XXVII, 1994, lot 394
16 16     Sternberg XXVIII, 1994, lot 56
17 17     Numismatica Aretusa Asta 4, 22–3 Mar. 1996, lot 452
18 18     Schøyen coll.
19 19     Schøyen coll.
20 20     McAlee coll.
21 21     Archaeological Center (R. Deutsch) 41, 2 Oct. 2007, lot 55
22 22     A. Tricarico coll.
23 23     Nomos 20, 10 July 2020, lot 311
24 24     R. Effler Coll. (ex CNG EA 484, lot 754)
25 25     Pangerl 107b