RPC II, 1336


Image of specimen #32


Coin type
Volume II
Number 1336
Province Asia
Subprovince Conventus of Sardis
Region Lydia
City Philadelphia
Reign Domitian
Person (obv.) Domitia (Augusta)
Magistrate Lagetas (in office for the second time)
Obverse inscription ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑ ΑΥΓΟΥϹ(ΤΑ)
Edition Δομιτία Αὐγούστα
Translation Domitia Augusta
Obverse design draped bust of Domitia (queue), right
Reverse inscription ΕΠΙ ΛΑΓΕ(Τ)(Α) ΦΛΑΒΙΩΝ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕ(ΩΝ)
Edition ἐπὶ Λαγέτα Φλαβίων Φιλαδελφέων
Translation under Lagetas, of the Flavian Philadelphians
Reverse design bunch of grapes
Metal leaded bronze
Average diameter 14 mm
Average weight 3.02 g
Axis 6, 12
Reference BMC 64; Cop 379, Hochard 1443-7, 1449–54
Specimens 34 (15 in the core collections)
Die-links 1, 9: same obv. die. 2–3, 5: same obv. die. 10, 19: same obv. die. 3–4: same rev. die.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L BMC 65
2 2     L BMC 64
3 3     P: 979
4 4     P: 982 Wa 5141
5 5     P: 983 Wa 5142
6 6     B: 844/1872
7 7     B: I-B LS p. 123, no. 33
8 8     B: B-I LS p. 123, no. 34
9 9     V: GR 38764
10 10     V: GR 19510
11 11     Cop SNG 379
12 12     Cop SNG 380
13 13     O
14 14     NY: 1944.100.49353
15 15     NY: 1944.100.49354
16 16     Aufhäuser 5, 1988, lot 277
17 17     Lindgren III, 502
18 18     M&M AG List 453, 1983, lot 46
19 19     Auctiones AG 15, Sept. 1985, lot 284
20 20     van der Dussen 24, 1 June 1995, lot 2899
21 21     van der Dussen 24, 1 June 1995, lot 2900
22 22     Plankenhorn coll.
23 23     Plankenhorn coll.
24 24     Plankenhorn coll.
25 25     Afyon: 3421
26 26     Sternberg XI, 1981, lot 315
27 27     Nummorum Lugano III, 1977, lot 347
28 28     Auctiones AG 13, 1983, lot 315
29 29     Savoca EA 31 Silver, 10 Mar. 2019, lot 319
30 30     A. Tricarico coll.
31 31     Emporium Hamburg 87, 12 Nov. 2019, lot 319
32 32     ✸ Nomos 20, 10 July 2020, lot 316
33 33     Ödemiş: 2009-95 SNG 401
34 34     Boston: 63.1223