RPC II, 1118


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume II
Number 1118
Province Asia
Subprovince Conventus of Ephesus
Region Lydia
City Mastaura
Reign Vespasian
Person (obv.) Vespasian (Augustus)
Obverse inscription ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ
Edition Οὐεσπασιανός Καῖσαρ
Translation Vespasian Caesar
Obverse design laureate head of Vespasian, right
Reverse inscription ΜΑΣΤΑΥΡΕΙΤΩΝ
Edition Μασταυρειτῶν
Translation of the Mastaurians
Reverse design hero Mastauros, left, holding double axe and resting hand on hip
Metal bronze
Average diameter 22 mm
Average weight 7.95 g
Axis 12
Reference BMC 10
Specimens 2 (2 in the core collections)
Note For Mastauros, see LIMC VI.1 (1992), p. 378.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ L BMC 10 = A. Engel, RN 1884, p. 24, no. 8, when the coin was in the Lawson coll., and describing the rev. figure as the 'empereur'
2 2     Mu