RPC I, 964


Image of specimen #12


Coin type
Volume I
Number 964
Province Cyrenaica and Crete
Region Crete
City Gortyn
Reign Caligula
Person (obv.) Caligula (Augustus)
Person (rev.) Augustus (Divus)
Edition Γάϊος Καῖσαρ Σεβ(αστὸς) Γερμ(ανικὸς) ἀρχ(ιερεύς) μέγ(ας) δημ(αρχικῆς) ἐξου(σίας) ὕπα(τος)
Translation Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, chief priest, with tribunician power, consul
Obverse design bare head of Caligula, right, with drapery at back of neck; transverse sceptre
Reverse inscription
Reverse design statue of Divus Augustus, in a toga, seated on a curule chair, holding patera and sceptre, left; Feet rest on stool; in the field, seven stars
Metal silver
Average diameter 25 mm
Average weight 7.41 g
Axis 1, 6, 12
Reference Sv 2
Specimens 14 (10 in the core collections)
Die-links 1, 7: same obv. die. 3–4: same obv. die. 9–10: same obv. die.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L BMC 1
2 2     L BMC 2
3 3     L: 1926,0116.31 ex Weber 4600
4 4     P: 593
5 5     V: GR 14438
6 6     B: 27893 Sv, pl. XXXII.2: rev.
7 7     Cop SNG 567
8 8     C: Leake 8893 SNG IV, 3998
9 9     C McClean 7215 = ex Hirsch XXI/1908 = Weber 2069
10 10     NY: 1973.205.6
11 11     Milan: Brera 775
12 12     ✸ G. H. Nachfolger 266, 11 Feb. 2010, lot 1936 = Lanz 123, 30 May 2005, lot 433 = Hirsch XXI/1908 = Weber 1908 = ex Hoffmann = Sv, pl.XXXII, 2: obv.
13 13     Boston: 63.92
14 14     Künker 153, 14 Mar. 2009, lot 8607