RPC I, 940


Image of specimen #8


Coin type
Volume I
Number 940
Province Cyrenaica and Crete
Region Cyrenaica
City Cyrenaica
Reign Augustus
Magistrate Palikanus (praetor)
Obverse inscription IMP AVG TR POT
Edition Imp(erator) Aug(ustus) Tr(ibunicia) Pot(estate)
Translation Emperor Augustus, with tribunician power
Obverse design in laurel wreath
Reverse inscription PALIK PR
Edition Palik(anus) pr(aetor)
Translation Palikanus, praetor
Reverse design sella castrensis with cushion on seat
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 27 mm
Average weight 10.08 g
Axis 1, 7, 12
Reference Mu 434–5, BMC 44–8, Asolati 162
Specimens 18 (17 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L BMC 44 = pl. XLIV, 1
2 2     L BMC 45
3 3     L BMC 46 = pl. XLIV, 2
4 4     L BMC 47
5 5     L BMC 48 = pl. XLIV, 3
6 6     P: 366
7 7     P: 367
8 8     ✸ P: 368
9 9     P: D'Ailly 17442
10 10     P: D'Ailly 17443
11 11     Mu
12 12     JSW
13 13     B: Fox
14 14     B: Rauch
15 15     B: I-B
16 16     B: Löbb.
17 17     NY: 2015.20.859 CGB 59, 19 June 2013, lot 328
18 18     Cop SNG 1321