RPC I, 921


Image of specimen #16


Coin type
Volume I
Number 921
Province Cyrenaica and Crete
Region Cyrenaica
City Cyrenaica
Reign Roman Republic
Magistrate Aulus Pupius Rufus (quaestor)
Dating 34–31 BC (?)
Obverse inscription ΠΟΥΠΙΟϹ, L (beneath belly)
Edition Πούπιος L(ibya)
Translation Pupius, Libya
Obverse design ram, right
Reverse inscription ΡΟΥΦΟϹ ΤΑΜΙΑϹ, L (in the field, r.)
Edition Ῥοῦφος ταμίας L(ibya)
Translation Rufus, quaestor, Libya
Reverse design sella quaestoria, hasta and sacculus
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 22 mm
Average weight 4.93 g
Axis 1, 4, 5, 12
Reference Mu 422, BMC 33, Asolati 153
Specimens 17 (11 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     L BMC 33 = pl. XLIII, 4
2 2     P: 349
3 3     P: 347
4 4     P: 348
5 5     Mu
6 6     Cop SNG 1315
7 7     NY: 1941.36.170 ex Norton
8 8     NY: 1944.135.219 ex Norton
9 9     NY: 1944.135.220 ex Norton
10 10     NY: 1944.100.79572 Newell
11 11     Tunis Rahmouni p. 25, no. 23 and p. 35, pl. IV
12 12     JPR
13 13     Trade
14 14     Schulman 265/1976, 302
15 15     Lewis SNG 1278
16 16     ✸ P. Villemur coll. = CNG MBS 78, 14 May 2008, lot 1521
17 17     NY: 1944.13.13