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Corr.: this new specimen (860/5) shows that the reading COL may be wrong. The last letter is D rather than L, and it is possible, but not certain, that we should read IVR D. See now C. Hamdoune, ‘Note sur le statut colonial de Lixus et de Tanger’, Antiquités africaines 30, 1994, pp. 81-7, who also doubts the reading COL and demonstrates that Tingi was a municipium until it was made an honorary colony by Claudius --- These new specimens give the correct reading of the obverse which ends - E DD and of the reverse, where the name of the second aedilis is not M. CVRIVS but M. CLODIVS. Therefore the correct legends are as following: IVL TINGI FABVLLVS ANTISTIV-S IV VIR E D D/ L BAEBIVS COSA M CLODIVS L M AID.