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In RPC I, the date was read as 101 (PA) = 11/10 BC, but G. Abou Diwan has pointed out that he date should be read either LΓΛ (80/79 BC) or LBΛ (79/78ΒC) (not L PA): the hundreds never precedes the tens or units on the coinage ofSidon The obverse and reverse type are typical of the period ranging in datebetween 95 and 78 ΒC See Abou Diwan, G. (2010), Sidon de l'inauguration dumonnayage municipal à la colonie sévérienne approche historique et monétaire(169/8 av. J.-C. - 235 ap. J.-C). (PhD), Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.