RPC I, 4247a


Image of specimen #12


Coin type
Volume I
Number 4247a
Province Syria
Region Syria
City Antioch
Reign Augustus
Person (obv.) Augustus
Issue year 27 (ΖΚ)
Dating 5/4 BC
Obverse inscription IMP·AVGVST·TR·POT
Edition Imp(erator) August(us) Tr(ibunicia) Pot(estate)
Translation Emperor Augustus, with tribunician power
Obverse design laureate head of Augustus, right
Reverse inscription S C
Edition S(enatus) C(onsulto)
Translation by decree of the Senate
Reverse design inscription in a laurel wreath of eight leaves
Metal bronze
Average diameter 27 mm
Average weight 15.81 g
Axis 1, 6, 12
Reference BMC 129, FITA 99 IV, Wr. 11, McAlee 206b
Specimens 23 (13 in the core collections)
Note Not a complete list of specimens.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     A: 1907/09 MB' 4
2 2     CGT coll.
3 3     L BMC 129
4 4     L: 1937,0614.10
5 5     L: 1954,1105.1
6 6     Freeman and Sear 4, 14 Jan. 1998, lot 479
7 7     B: 18215597
8 8     B: 18215599
9 9     B: 18215600
10 10     B: 18215602
11 11     B: 18215605
12 12     ✸ B: 18215606
13 13     B: 18215608
14 14     B: 18215609
15 15     B: 18215610
16 16     B: 18215612
17 17     Agora Auctions Numismatic 90, 3 Sept. 2019, lot 40 (ex Agora Auctions Numismatic 66, 9 May 2017, lot 102)
18 18     R. Effler coll. (ex Naumann 111, 5 Dec. 2021, lot 652)
19 19     Aquila Numismatics 4, 19 Aug. 2022, lot 593
20 20     VAuction 273, 24 Nov. 2011, lot 308
21 21     CNG 243, 27 Oct. 2010, lot 263
22 22     Brisbane: 250
23 23     Alexander Rugaev coll.