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1-2 were listed in Supplement I as S-3658A, with coins of Caesarea in Cappadocia; but K. Butcher (NC 2011, pp. 75-6) has made a plausible link with the year 3 coins of an ‘uncertain Caesarea’ (RPC 4984). 3 was recorded with a large group of coins mainly from eastern Cilicia, of Tarsus, Anazarbus, Mallus, Hierapolis, Aegeae etc., and the lot included a specimen of RPC I 4086, ‘Uncertain Casarea’, of year 5. Butcher suggests that an attribution of the coin to the ‘Uncertain Caesarea(s)’ of eastern Cilicia under Claudius may therefore seem preferable to Caesarea in Cappadocia, and that it constitutes a smaller denomination accompanying RPC I 4084. See now B. Tahberer, A Series of Coins from an Uncertain Caesarea, NC 175, 2015, pp. 47-55 where it is argued with good arguments, mostly stylistic, that these series were struck at Mopsus between AD 45/6 and AD 50/1, during a period Mopsus called itself Caesarea, though “one can only speculate as to why the change was so short-lived” (p. 53).