RPC I, 4036


Image of specimen #11


Coin type
Volume I
Number 4036
Province Syria
Region Cilicia
Subregion Cilicia Pedias
City Aegeae
Reign Caligula
Person (rev.) Julius Caesar (Divus)
Magistrate Mi—
Issue Year 87
Dating AD 40/1
Obverse inscription
Obverse design draped and diademed bust of Alexander the Great, right
Edition Αἰγεαίων τῆς ἱερᾶς καὶ αὐτονόμου Μι(—) ζπʹ
Translation of the Aegeaeans, of the sacred and autonomous (city), Mi—(?), 87
Reverse design head of Julius Caesar (?), right
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 27 mm
Average weight 13.01 g
Axis 1, 12
Reference Haymann 9a-c
Specimens 13 (0 in the core collections)
Die-links 2, 9: same pair of dies.
Note Ziegler, p. 17, interprets the heads of those of Alexander and Julius Caesar as the two founders of Aegeae. For other contemporary representations of Alexander, see 4064–5 (Hierapolis-Castabala) and 4075 (Alexandria-ad-Issum).

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     Levante 1692 = ex Lanz 30, 1984, lot 468 = CNG MBS 66, 19 May 2004, lot 1089
2 2     Levante 1691 = R. Ziegler, Städtisches Prestige und kaiserliche Politik (1985), Taf. I.I
3 3     PV
4 4     RBW ex Gorny 62 (1993) lot 304
5 5     RBW
6 6     CNG 55, 13 Sept. 2000, lot 964
7 7     A-KIKPE SNG Pfälzer Privatsammlungen. Kilikien 55
8 8     Gorny & Mosch 156, 5 Mar. 2007, lot 1793
9 9     CNG MBS 78, 14 May 2008, lot 1364
10 10     Helios 8, 13 Oct. 2012, lot 389
11 11     ✸ Nomos 15, 22 Oct. 2017, lot 219 (ex Obolos 5, 26 June 2016, lot 540) = Roma Numismatics XVI, 26 Sept. 2018, lot 472
12 12     Leu EA 4, 24 June 2018, lot 550
13 13     Nomos Obolos Webauction 30, 17 Dec. 2023, lot 541