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2818A-B were given to the reign of Claudius by R. Martini (as noted in the CS, p. 124) on different grounds: 2818A has the same diameter as 2817-8 and its iconography is the same as 2818; 2818B, with the same name, Isotimos, is related to 2818A. On 2818B/2, the name of the magistrate is spelled as Isoteimos and the epsilon is lunate, which is characteristic of the Antonine series (but on the reverse, the epsilon of ΑΛΑΒΑΝΔΕΩΝ is normal). 2818C, a new series, is also given here as its iconography is similar to 2818, 2818A and 2821. But the epsilon of ΑΛΑΒΑΝΔΕΩΝ is lunate. So it is not clear how to date these coins.