RPC I, 2809


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume I
Number 2809
Province Asia
Subprovince Conventus of Alabanda
Region Caria
City Alabanda
Reign Uncertain
Person (obv.) Augustus
Person (rev.) Livia (Augusta)
Magistrate Aphroditos
Issue Augustus?
Obverse inscription ΕΠ ΑΦΡΟΔΙΤΟΥ [ ]
Edition ἐπ(ὶ) Ἀφροδίτου [---]
Translation under Aphroditos [---]
Obverse design bare head of Augustus (?), right
Reverse inscription ΑΛΑΒΑΝΔΕ[ΩΝ] [ ]
Edition Ἀλαβανδέων [---]
Translation of the Alabandians [---]
Reverse design female head (of Livia?), right
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 17 mm
Average weight 3.92 g
Axis 12
Reference KM 103, no. 7, FITA 373
Specimens 6 (2 in the core collections)
Note The reading of the legends on both obv. and rev. is not very certain. Grant, FITA 373 and pl. XI.55, regarded Imhoof-Blumer's description, which is followed here, as 'completely misread and misinterpreted'. He offered 'ΑΛΑΒΑΝΔΕ[WΝ] ΕΠ. Τ. ΟΚΤ. ΚΛΕ. head of Cleopatra to right/ΑΜ(?)Ν(?)ΗΣΣ[ΟΣ ΕΠΑΦ?]ΡΟΔΙΤΟΥ head of Amnessus (?) to right', interpreting it as a coin minted by a T. Octavius, an otherwise unknown governor of Asia in 32–31 BC, depicting Cleopatra, and a private citizen called Amnessos. Grant's interpretation may perhaps be thought fanciful (and TOKTKLE can definitely be rejected as a reading: ΤΟΥΤΗΛΕ seems more certain), though it must be accepted that Imhoof-Blumer's is unsatisfactory. It seems futile, however, to do more than wait for another, clearer specimen to turn up.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ B: 18236640, 1900 Imhoof-Blumer KM 103, no. 7
2 2     Hirsch 209, 3 May 2000, lot 406
3 3     Yale ex PRF, ex Peus 357, 28–30 Oct. 1998, lot 424
4 4     NY: 2008.24.7 CNG Triton XI, P. Villemur coll., 8 Jan. 2008, lot 490 (ex Münzen und Medaillen 81, Sep. 1995, lot 511)
5 5     Naumann 97, 6 Dec. 2020, lot 350
6 6     Savoca Blue 111, 28 Aug. 2021, lot 1028