RPC I, 2561


Image of specimen #8


Coin type
Volume I
Number 2561
Province Asia
Subprovince Conventus of Ephesus
Region Lydia
City Dioshieron
Reign Nero
Magistrate Korboulon
Obverse inscription ΚΟΡΒΟΥΛΩΝ
Edition Κορβούλων
Translation Korboulon
Obverse design eagle standing, left
Reverse inscription ΔΙΟΣΙΕΡΙΤΩΝ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ
Edition Διοσιεριτῶν Σεβαστός
Translation of the Dioshieritans, Augustus
Reverse design capricorn with cornucopia and globe, right
Metal leaded bronze
Average diameter 15 mm
Average weight 2.79 g
Axis 12
Reference BMC 1
Specimens 9 (5 in the core collections)
Note The letter forms Ϲ and Ɛ also occur. Both BMC and Imhoof-Blumer in LS date the coin to the reign of Augustus (followed by Münsterberg, Beamtennamen), regarding the magistrate as 'ein älterer Corbulo', but neither the absence of the name of Nero nor the presence of the capricorn necessarily precludes the obvious interpretation: i.e., that the coin is the smallest denomination of the Neronian issue of the grammateus Corbulo. See also U. Vogel-Weidemann, Die Statthalter von Africa und Asia, p. 372, n. 1202.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     O
2 2     L BMC 6
3 3     B: 198/1879
4 4     B: I-B LS 63, no. 1
5 5     V: GR 31478
6 6     Ödemiş SNG 198
7 7     Ödemiş SNG 199
8 8     ✸ H.I. coll.
9 9     CNG EA 553, 3 Jan. 2024, lot 284