RPC I, 2064


Image of specimen #3


Coin type
Volume I
Number 2064
Province Bithynia-Pontus
Region Bithynia
City Nicomedia
Reign Tiberius
Person (obv.) Germanicus (Caesar)
Magistrate Publius Vitellius (proconsul)
Dating c. 17/19?
Obverse inscription ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ
Edition Γερμανικὸς Καῖσαρ
Translation Germanicus Caesar
Obverse design bare head of Germanicus, right
Edition ἐπὶ Ποπλίου Οὐιτελλίου ἀνθυπάτου Μ(ητροπόλεως) Νεικομηδέων
Translation under Publius Vitellius, proconsul, of the metropolis of the Nicomedians
Reverse design inscription
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 20 mm
Average weight 4.89 g
Axis 12
Reference Rec 12–13
Specimens 7 (5 in the core collections)
Note Μ on the rev. presumably stands for Μητρόπολις.

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     P: 1264 Rec, pl. LXXXVIII.29
2 2     B: 18245388, Fox
3 3     ✸ B: 18245392, Löbb
4 4     P: 1263 Wa 458 = Rec, pl. LXXXVIII.28
5 5     V: GR 15753
6 6     JSW
7 7     Bochum: M 3210